The Best Roofing Materials for Hot Climates

Hot climates can be a real challenge when it comes to finding the best roofing materials for your home or business. The sun’s intense heat, combined with high humidity, can quickly degrade some roofing materials, leading to frequent repairs and replacements. Therefore, understanding the importance of choosing the right roofing material for hot climates is […]

How to Navigate Your Roof Damage Insurance Claim

When faced with roof damage, understanding your insurance claim process is key to ensuring that you receive the compensation you are entitled to. It is a critical aspect that many homeowners overlook until it’s too late. A lack of knowledge about how the process works can lead to unnecessary delays, reduced pay-outs, or even claims […]

The Rising Popularity of Green Roofing Solutions

Green roofing solutions, also known as living roofs, vegetative roofs, or eco-roofs, are an innovative construction technique that allows for the growth of vegetation on the rooftops of buildings. These designs incorporate a waterproofing membrane, a growing medium, and vegetation, creating an environment that brings numerous environmental, economic, and social benefits. Not only do they […]

4 Fireworks Roof Safety Tips

If you’re celebrating the Fourth of July with fireworks, follow these quick roof safety tips to protect your home from any fireworks harm.  Though most roofing materials like metal and shingles are fire-resistant, it’s the sheeting and decking just below them that aren’t. Any fire on the roof can set the roof’s structure quickly aflame. […]

Flat Roof Materials: Rubber Membranes, Metal Roofing and More

In this blog, we’ll go over the most common and popular commercial flat roofing materials. For Wisconsin, we see one of the following materials covering every commercial roof: PVC, TPO, EPDM and metal. Which material is protecting your business? Let’s go over the differences between the four materials and how to know which is best […]

The Pros and Cons of Commercial Roofing Styles

Let’s dive into the different commercial roofing styles. Aside from material, what is the structural style of your commercial roof’s slope? Each style has its own pros and cons for upkeep and maintenance that are important to consider.  Low Slope Commercial Roof Style Also referred to as flat roofs, commercial low-slope roofs are a very […]

Spring Roof Care: Key Inspection Areas for Flat Roof Maintenance 

Seems like winter’s wrapping up ahead of schedule this year, and spring is nearly here! Now’s the ideal time to touch base with your flat roof maintenance team to schedule a thorough inspection of your commercial roof – ensuring it’s well-prepared for the snowmelt and rain showers that March and April will bring.  By proactively […]