Hail Damage Insurance: A Beginner’s Guide

Hail Damage InsuranceHomeowners looking to properly insure their homes should be aware that there is no such thing as “one size fits all” when it comes to all homeowner’s insurance plans. It would be absolutely wonderful if general home insurance covered everything all the time, but they sometimes don’t. For homeowners with property in areas more susceptible to storms, additional insurance is often necessary. Hail damage insurance is a popular type of insurance that homeowners add to their policies, due to hail’s ability to cause significant and very costly damage to homes. For those unfamiliar with hail insurance, this guide will provide an overview of the claim process, in case a hail damage roof insurance claim ever needs to be made.

Ensure Your Home Is Insured for Hail Damage

When purchasing property insurance, a homeowner needs to verify their coverage with their insurance agent. Some general home insurance policies might possibly cover damage caused by hail, but it is definitely best to know for sure, especially prior to filing a hail damage roof insurance claim. If the insurance company does not provide coverage, which is very likely in a high storm area, it is easy to simply add on the supplemental coverage plan.

Since hail can significantly damage a home, especially during severe thunderstorms and hurricanes, it is very likely that homeowners living in areas where storms are more prevalent that a hail damage roof insurance claim will have to be made sometime throughout their ownership of the home. Luckily filing a claim is not a difficult process, and some insurers even enable claims to be submitted online. For those who prefer to file their hail damage roof insurance claim in person or over the phone, these options are available as well.

Wait to Start Repairing Your Roof

Homeowners should keep in mind that even though they may have supplemental insurance that covers hail damage, they should not immediately begin making repairs. It may take the insurance some time to process the claim, and they will also want to send someone out to assess the damage. Attempting to repair the damage too hastily may result in the claim being denied because the homeowner quickly repaired the damage before it could be assessed, or for some other reason.

Roof and other home repairs due to hail damage can be quite expensive, so it’s best not to be impatient to cause unnecessary money to be spent out of pocket. In case it is necessary to immediately make certain repairs due to it posing imminent danger, then all receipts need to be kept in order to be submitted to the insurance company for reimbursement.

Filing a Hail Damage Claim

Filing a claim because the roof or other part of a home has been damaged during a hailstorm doesn’t have to be difficult or intimidating. Filing a claim can be as easy as making a phone call or going online. If filed online, the form will guide homeowners step-by-step, requiring that specific details of the damage be included. Some homeowners may prefer filing a claim over the phone, and this method enables the homeowner to interact directly with the agent, so that any questions that might arise can be answered. No matter how a homeowner chooses to file their claim, as long as they submit the claim as soon after the damage occurred as possible, then it will be approved in a majority of cases.

Need Help Filing Your Hail Damage Claim?

We will walk you through the process and talk to your insurance company for you. Call us for a hail damage inspection.

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