Renovation Resolutions for 2015


With 2015 just around the corner, everyone has personal and professional goals and New Year’s resolutions. Your home should have some resolutions as well. Make it a point to do some sort of home renovation project this coming year. Here are a couple of resolutions from ARC Contracting and how to achieve them. Cross something off of your home’s bucket list along with your own in 2015!

Replace the Window

Get rid of those cold drafts by installing new windows throughout your home. New windows help to retain heat in winter and keep the heat out in summer. By replacing your windows, you can save a lot of money on heating and cooling costs.

Keep Gutters Clean

Actually maintain your gutters in 2015. They should be cleaned at least two times per year – in spring and in fall. It may seem like a trivial thing to set as a goal, but it can save you money and potentially your roof. If you leave debris in your gutters they are more likely to rust and pull away from your roof. If you do find damage, be sure to get it fixed as soon as possible. Gutter damage can easily, and quickly, lead to more serious problems for your roof.

Fresh Coat of Paint

Freshen up your home with a fresh coat of paint. Nothing says a new year better than a new look. Winter is a good time to paint the interior of your home. Although some may worry about the odor with not being able to open windows, paint manufacturers are now developing low or no VOC paint that eliminates the issue altogether. Cold weather is the perfect time for painting. Paint dries better in colder temperatures and will resist peeling and chipping in the future. If you aren’t a DIY type of person, professional painters usually have lighter schedules in the winter months so chances are you will get a faster turn around.

Improve Energy Efficiency

Stay on trend by making your home as energy efficient as possible. Start going green by installing a programmable thermostat, eco-friendly lightbulbs and appliances that use less energy. A programmable thermostat can save you energy by only heating or cooling when you’re home. Set it for cooler temperatures in the winter when you’re at work. It runs on a schedule so your home can be at a comfortable temperature when you get home.  Switch out old incandescent lightbulbs with CFL or LED ones that last longer and use less energy. If you need to get new appliances, look into energy efficient replacements. Also, consider alternatives, especially when it comes to the kitchen. Try a toaster oven for smaller meals instead of heating up the regular oven.

Indoor Remodel

If you’re looking for big changes in 2015 consider a kitchen or bathroom remodel or even finishing your basement. Kitchens and bathrooms are common areas that can date your home. It’s best to keep these rooms updated to increase the value of your home. Finishing the basement can add valuable square footage without having to build out, which also boosts your home’s value.

What are some of your New Year’s resolutions for your home in 2015?

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