Commercial Roof Spring Maintenance List

The winter brings some of the most extreme weather our commercial roofs will endure all year long. The following is a list of commercial roofing maintenance steps that you should be taking this spring to make sure your roof stays in working order.

  1. Inspect – The first thing you need to do this spring is to inspect your roof for damage. Hopefully, all the snow has melted away. Check the water valleys and the areas where snowmelt runs off the roof. These areas are the most prone to leaks. Take careful note of any area where the roof meets any vent or opening. These are the most significant problem areas for commercial rooftops.
  1. Repair – Once you identify any damaged areas, you need to get the repair process started. Take advantage of the more mild spring weather and keep in mind that the summer will bring its host of weather-related roof issues. It is best to take care of commercial roofing maintenance in the spring and get any repairs sorted out as soon as possible since the intense summer weather will intensify any damage your commercial roof sustained over the harsh weather we just had.
  1. Prepare – After the winter we just experienced you know just how crazy winters around here can get. It definitely can’t hurt to get a head start on preparing for the next winter season. Take this time to prepare your commercial roof for what next winter could bring. If that means stepping up your roofs winter defenses, now is the best time to get those projects up and running.

If you are in need of commercial roofing maintenance services, call ARC Contracting. Our experienced team can help you save money by detecting commercial roof problems early. You can contact one of our project managers at 888-743-8086. We proudly serve Appleton, Oshkosh, Fond du Lac, Green Bay, and the De Pere areas.

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